Class: ABM.BreedSet

Defined in: src/
Inherits: ABM.Set

Direct Known Subclasses

ABM.Agents ABM.Links ABM.Patches

Variables Summary

_push =

Keeps a copy of push for our use.

Instance Method Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Methods inherited from ABM.Set

.from #setDefault #exclude #draw #show #hide #inRadius #inCone #toFixed #any #empty #clear #clone #first #last #select #reject #sample #contains #remove #removeItem #shuffle #min #max #sum #average #median #histogram #sort #uniq #flatten #concat #normalize #normalizeInt #ask #with #getProperty #setProperty #other

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(agentClass, name, mainSet)

Create an empty Set and initialize the ID counter for push(). If mainSet is supplied, the new agentset is a sub-array of mainSet. This sub-array feature is how breeds are managed, see class Model.

Instance Method Details

# (void) create()

Abstract method used by subclasses to create and add their instances.

# (void) push(object...)

Pushes an agent to the list. Only used by agentset factory methods. Adds the id property to all agents and increments it.

Returns the object for chaining.

By "agent" we mean an instance of Patch, Agent and Link and their breeds.

# (void) remove(object)

Remove an agent from the agentset, returning the agentset. Note this does not change delete id or change the set's ID, thus an agentset can have gaps in terms of their id's.

AS.remove(AS[3]) # [{id: 0, x: 0, y: 1}, {id: 1, x: 8, y: 0},
                    {id: 2, x: 6, y: 4}, {id: 4, x: 1, y: 1}]

# (void) pop()

# (void) reBreed(agent)

Move an agent from its BreedSet to be in this BreedSet.

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