Class: ABM.Agents
Defined in: | src/ |
Inherits: | ABM.BreedSet |
Agents is a subclass of BreedSet which creates and stores instances of Agent.
Variables Summary
Variable inherited from ABM.BreedSet
Instance Method Summary
- # (void) setUseSprites(useSprites = true) Use sprites rather than drawing.
- # (void) in(agents) Filter to return all instances of this breed.
- # (void) create(num, initialize = function() {}) Factory: create num new agents stored in this agentset.
- # (void) clear() Remove all agents from set via agent.die()
- # (void) neighboring(agent, rangeOptions) Return the members of this agentset that are neighbors of agent using patch topology.
formCircle(radius, startAngle = (Math.PI / 2), direction = -1)
Circle Layout: position the agents in the list in an equally spaced circle of the given radius, with the initial agent at the given start angle (default to pi / 2 or "up") and in the +1 or -1 direction (counder clockwise or clockwise) defaulting to -1 (clockwise).
Inherited Method Summary
Methods inherited from
#create #push #remove #pop #reBreed .from #setDefault #exclude #draw #show #hide #inRadius #inCone #toFixed #any #empty #clear #clone #first #last #select #reject #sample #contains #removeItem #shuffle #min #max #sum #average #median #histogram #sort #uniq #flatten #concat #normalize #normalizeInt #ask #with #getProperty #setProperty #other
Constructor Details
Creates the empty Set instance and installs the agentClass (breed) variable shared by all the Agents in this set.
Instance Method Details
setUseSprites(useSprites = true)
Use sprites rather than drawing.
Filter to return all instances of this breed. Note: if used by the mainSet, returns just the agents that are not subclassed breeds.
create(num, initialize = function() {})
Factory: create num new agents stored in this agentset. The optional init proc is called on the new agent after inserting in its agentSet.
Remove all agents from set via agent.die()
neighboring(agent, rangeOptions)
Return the members of this agentset that are neighbors of agent using patch topology.
formCircle(radius, startAngle = (Math.PI / 2), direction = -1)
Circle Layout: position the agents in the list in an equally spaced circle of the given radius, with the initial agent at the given start angle (default to pi / 2 or "up") and in the +1 or -1 direction (counder clockwise or clockwise) defaulting to -1 (clockwise).